Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm (LEGO) Batman

So, on the Bag of Games website, which is a site you should TOTALLY check out, there's this guy called Stretch. I thought he was pretty good columnist, he has decent. And then, I saw his review for Real MYST. I thought it was just going to be a review where he just stood in front of the camera and talked...and that was about it. Boy, was I wrong.

Stretch Reviews has some of the best video review work I've seen EVER!

Seriously, check it out, he's awesome!

So, I've recently gotten my hands on LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. And you know what? It's actually a pretty cool game! I've written a review over it on Bag of Games, but it doesn't look like it's been posted yet.

A couple of weeks ago, I might have mentioned I was going to talk about a game that was hopefully going to be awesome, and, that was this game. I was going talk about this sooner, but, then, I went on vacation and it took me a while to get back into the writing mind set. But, now, Imma back, and Imma try to be more committed this time.

So, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is pretty cool. The voice acting and sandbox element of the game really do make this game special. It's the best LEGO game we've had in a really long time, and it's probably going to be the last good super hero game until....well, probably until the next Batman game. Hmmmm.....

Well, I talked about the game. I'll post the review up on this journal when it gets posted. I was planning on doing an anticipation kind of thing, but, I can't do that now that I have the game.

Hey! Check Stretch out! Seriously! If you like games, you'll love this guy.

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About Me

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I shall keep this blog around so I can write about what ever I want to. I'm an editor for the Bag of Games website, which I shall be linking to show my columns, and it'll make this more fun..I guess. I guess you'll see me talking about movies, video games, music, or whatever is on my mind, but mostly those three. I'm not exactly here to be all that insightful, I just figured it would be a fun thing to do.