Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Thoughts

So, there was this movie that came out called The Amazing Spider-Man, and, I was really expecting to hate the movie. I didn't like the idea that this movie was getting made all because they didn't want to give away their rights to Spider-Man, Spider-Man's Edward hair style is........well, that, and it's like the Spider-Man movies from the 2000s, but it's different, and I don't like things that are different!

But, in the end, for a rushed, shameless cash grab of a movie, it's really about as good as a rushed, shameless cash grab of a movie as we could hope for. There are a lot of things that I didn't like about the movie, but, the thing is, I liked it more than I didn't. So, there ya go!

The movie is frustrating because of how much I actually liked it. I feel like I should be above liking movie that only serve for evil purposes.......but, the movie does kind of work.

The movie is really involving, it actually made me care what was going on, the action scenes were pretty cool, and anything you could want out of a fun summer action movie....well, I can obviously think of one better movie, but, I'm pretty sure everyone has seen it by now. But, if you haven't seen Marvel's The Avengers by now......I really don't know what to say then. Also, put aside your action train of thought to make some time to go see Moonrise Kingdom. A truly great movie that totally deserves your money more than....well, any of the action movies that have come out recently.

Ok, I'm kind of just running around the new Spider-Man movie without really directly talking about it. The thing is, any thing I have to say about this movie is going to amount to an endless stream nitpicks and not so nitpicky gripes that I have for this movie. So, to compromise, I'll just talk about stuff that I don't exactly feel like is nitpicking.

I guess the new Peter Parker works in this movie. Any major thing I have to say about him is basically me saying that it's not the Peter Parker that I'm used to, but, I'm also not exactly sure what they're trying to do with this new character. His character would work if they didn't try to make him out as a loner....because, he's too upbeat to be a loner. The best way I can describe is....well, he's a teenager. A teenager that kind of fits in well with other teenagers I know. I guess this is due to me coming from a different kind of reality where someone like that would fit in very well where the school I went to, but, in a normal school, maybe he wouldn't. But I still can't really imagine him being some sort of anti-social, nerd when he doesn't really act like one, yet, people keep on describing him as such. It just don't make no sense. Just drop the whole anti-social, nerd thing to his character, and it starts making more sense.

Ok, that was kind of nitpicky, but, here's something that was a little more painful though. As in, I kind of wanted to stab my eye out every time we had the "establishments" of Gwen and Peter's "relationship". I guess it makes sense because of it being a high school "relationship", but, if that's how it really is, then, I don't think I missed out on anything at all. There probably was a lot of high schoolers getting a little "touched" by these scenes, so, I guess it shows how jaded I was back in high school. I mean, I've only just gotten out of high school, and I imagine the people who have graduated with me are kind of in the same mindset that leads them to like these moments that I absolutely hated. Seriously, is this how people really talk to each other?

I guess my main complaints come from my background and what I'm used to in a Spider-Man. The biggest complaint that I think most of us can agree on is that the Lizard in this movie looks pretty terrible. Yeah, that's all I really have to say about him.

Oh, and there's a mid credits scene that was really lame. I kind of get the sense that they're trying a whole Avengers thing. And, when I say "kind of" I mean that they're definitely ripping off on what's popular right now in super hero movies. But, what makes it so lame is that it doesn't do anything AT ALL besides just letting us know that "Hey! There's going to be a sequel!" You know how all of the extra scenes from Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America did their scenes to show us extra information on what was going to amount to a really big movie? I mean, did you see the mid credits section in Marvel's The Avengers? HOLY CRAP! In the new Spider-Man movie, it just tells us something we already knew. No big reveal, no new character, it just reassures us that there's most definitely, probably going to be a sequel.

In the end, the biggest problem I have just involves the fact that this movie exists. But, maybe I shouldn't complain too much if I actually happened to like it. Kind of, sort of, almost, maybe. It's decent, it's serviceable, it gets the job done, and you'll probably have a good time. I just feel bad for saying good things about something coming from an evil and rushed purpose.

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I shall keep this blog around so I can write about what ever I want to. I'm an editor for the Bag of Games website, which I shall be linking to show my columns, and it'll make this more fun..I guess. I guess you'll see me talking about movies, video games, music, or whatever is on my mind, but mostly those three. I'm not exactly here to be all that insightful, I just figured it would be a fun thing to do.