Sunday, October 14, 2012

Argo Fuck Yourself!

Argo is a really good movie and you should definitely go see it.

And...that's kind of all I really have to say about it. The thing is, there are people out there like my Dad or this guy that's going to have a lot more to say about the movie because they are more familiar with the actual people in the movie and the history, while all I can really say is "go see the movie!"

But there is one thing I kind of want to talk about.

Here's Moviebob's Blogspot. Look at the comments. Notice maybe something off with a particular person's comments? Does that guy happened to be named Phil?

Ok, good, we're on the same page then!

The thing is, the things that Phil brings up are actually good points, in regards to Hollywood and racism. But the accusations he throws at Moviebob are just so, so bad though.

Here's my open letter to Phil!

Dear Phil

I am in no way saying that what you think about Argo and it's regards to race discrimination is wrong. I am in no way saying that you are wrong for not wanting to see Argo because of its casting choice. What I am going to say is wrong though is that you're accusing Bob of having certain opinions that he hasn't even expressed. You were tagged with being a jerk by Bob because you are being a jerk.

But, that's ok, there's still hope. Let me give you some guide lines in the future.

Instead of throwing accusations around, why don't you start asking question to Moviebob so you can get a clearer understanding of what he actually thinks on the whole situation. Questions like "What do you think about the part being given to Ben Affleck instead of an authentic Latino actor like it was in actual history?" or "What do you think we can do to fix this?" or "What do you think this all means?"

There! That's it! You gain a further insight into what Bob thinks, nobody thinks you're a jerk now, and we gain a further understanding of movies and Hollywood in general.

When Bob actually does start giving off opinions that showing that he's actually for "white-washing", then.....well, I guess you can stop following him. Or you can express how you feel on how he feels about situations that you don't agree with.

In other words, be civilized. Don't start putting opinions in other people's mouth; that's what we call "arguing with ghosts", and it one of the things that get's everybody NOWHERE!

I hope you take what I said with some consideration.

I'm going to be posting this letter as a comment on his blog. I really hope that I do some good, but experience has shown me that trying to bring rational arguments into irrational thinking goes about as well as bringing in somebody with a brain into a Transformers movie.

But at least I can try!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Over the Summer, I guess I ran out of things to talk about!

Errr, yeah! That's kind of what happened. I've been mostly still writing for Bag of Games, and that site is still up and running, so, it's not like I just decided to give up on this whole thing.

I guess a good idea would be to post that I've written something on that website whenever I do something new.

Anyways, I'm going to a music college now, and wouldn't you know that the people you were frustrated with back in high school because they had a hard time playing their parts come back in new swarms of numbers when the entire school is all about playing music and knowing your part?

Maybe I shouldn't be so callous. Maybe the things that come a little more easily for me just don't for other people. But I'm not sure if I can tolerate how people can miss their cues right after listening to the song for almost 10 times in one day.

I kind of feel like I should help out or something. Help out with the only way I know how. Complaining a whole lot on the internet.

The thing is, going to this school has given me new ideas on what to talk about. I keep on seeing and hearing recurring things at this school that makes me want to jump in and say "YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONGZZ!" Or at least give an opinion on how things work.

Oh, for anybody who was wondering about any movies

Dredd is alright. It could have been better, but it's got a lot of fun action scenes.

Looper is AWESOME! Totally worth checking out. Imagine Back to the Future but with action and Bruce Willis. And super powers!

The End of Watch is also a pretty great movie, though, it's not a light hearted movie by any stretch of the imagination. But the dialogue can actually get pretty funny and it provides an incredibly involving experience.

Anyways, I'll try to post here more often now. I just realized that Argo comes out this weekend, and I'm looking forward to that!

Oh yeah, I'm also in a Podcast! Check it out!

About Me

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I shall keep this blog around so I can write about what ever I want to. I'm an editor for the Bag of Games website, which I shall be linking to show my columns, and it'll make this more fun..I guess. I guess you'll see me talking about movies, video games, music, or whatever is on my mind, but mostly those three. I'm not exactly here to be all that insightful, I just figured it would be a fun thing to do.